Our comedy clubs, based around London, offer an upmarket, yet friendly, alternative to the usual live comedy experience.
Latest News
Next Show at The Funny Side of in Earlsfield Saturday 2nd November
Tara Theatre, 356 Garratt Lane, Earlsfield, SW18 4ES Doors: 19:30 | Start: 20:00 | End: 22:00
If you've always wanted to try out your jokes on an unsuspecting world (and let's face it who hasn't) then
click here for more details.
Improvisation Courses
Why not improve your spontaneity with our Introduction To Improvisation weekend two-day course.
Click here for more details.
The Werewolf Game
The Werewolf is a party game! It's easy to learn, there's no board, few rules, just talking, thinking, pointing, bluffing and lying!
Dare you find out more.
Other Services
In addition to clubs, The Funny Side offers a range of other services relating to comedy.
Click here to explore our other work.
A wonderful night was had by all, very entertaining.
For my first time at a comedy show, I was ready for the funny and I was in for a treat. It was a cosy venue and we were seated at the front of the stage. The acts were funny and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
Thanks once again for last night. My whole team are absolutely raving about it, which is slightly annoying as it was my best kept secret! You're an absolute legend.